
Ruhani pov

" How did you get hurt ? " He asked me


When I heard the voice of groaning. I turned back and my eyes widened in fear and a scream left from my mouth.  There was a male rottweiler looking at us in anger. He was drooling like he was hungry and so eager to eat us. 

" Ruhani aaj yeh tera last din hai jitne bhi paap kiye hai sab yaad karle. " I thought and that rottweiler attack on me ,I fall down and his nails dig on my collar bone. I closed my eyes waiting for him to eat me. 

" Stop " I heard a powerful voice which was none other than dangerous dadi. I opened my one eye to see but now he was not on me. I opened my other eye too and stood straight. I saw that the dog was now sitting beside dangerous dadi like an obedient student. My heart beats were so fast that I think dangerous dadi also can hear it.

" Are you fine beta ? " She asked me lovingly. And I nodded.

" Why is she acting like she actually cares? " 

" I know you don't believe me " she said.

" Does she know how to read people's minds ? "

" No, I don't know how to read people's minds " she said to me and my eyes widened.

" Mere hath ka bnaya hua khana khaogi ? " she asked me and I felt a lump in my throat because it's been almost ten years since someone asked me that. That line reminds me of my grandma . She used to ask me that. I wanna ask her why she is behaving nice to me.

(Will you eat the food cooked by me?)

" Kya hua beta? " She asked me to caress my head. I forgot how it feels when someone caresses your head because it's been a long time since someone caressed me lovingly.

( What happened dear?)

" kuch nahi " I said in a low tone.

( Nothing )

" Follow me " she said and I and Zorro followed her.

She took me to the house where she lives. But before I could enter inside she stopped me.

" Isn't it disrespectful ?" I thought.

She called someone and asked her to bring an aarti thal. A lady who works here handed her an aarti thal. I looked at her in confusion.

" Laxmi jab Ghar aati hai toh unka swagat aise hi karte hai " she said making a red dot on my forehead of vermilion. 

( When godess Laxmi came home we welcome her like that only)

" Is she really nice or just pretending? "

I put my thoughts aside when she asked me to enter the house. 

That house was quite big from the house where I stay with that jallad. It's interior is not dark. 

" Ruhani, beta what do you want to eat? " She asked me.

" I want to eat cholle kulche....but how do I tell her?" 

" Do you like to eat cholle kulche? " She asked me and left me shocked.

" Yeh pakka koi Jadu tona janti hai "

( She definitely knows some black magic)

" Tell me beta " she said and I nodded.

She cooked for me and I also helped her. After that we both eat together.

" Can I ask you something? " I asked her before leaving.

" Yes " 

" Why did you choose me for your grandson? I am a complete stranger to your family " I asked her and she told me that she saw me helping an injured pigeon in a hotel. She thought that she saw me before so she asked his man to get information about me. Then she got to know my name and about my family.

" I knew your family. Your grandmother and I were friends and I also visited your home at your parents' funeral " she said. But it still not clear to me why did she choose me afterall there were so many girls.

" Don't think too much....I know you are a nice girl that's why I chose you for him " she said.

" Oh so because you find me nice so you decided to ruin my life by marrying me to your jallad grandson

Flashback ends

"It's none of your concern " I want to say it out loud but after that I know I am not strong enough to face his wrath.

" It's.... nothing, just that rottweiler attacked me.... because I was a stranger for him...but your dadi saved me " I said with my lowered gaze.

He hummed and I was about to wear my kurti back but stopped hearing his dangerous dominating voice.

" I didn't allow you to wear it " he said, looking directly into my eyes. His dominating words are doing something in my stomach.

" Wh...what do yo..you mean?" I shuttered.

" Now why the hell I am shuttering "

He grabbed my waist tightly with his right hand and with the other hand he caressed my cheek. I closed my eyes, feeling him so close to me. I don't know why but I like his touch. When he touched me I felt something wet in my panty. 

" Open your eyes my little wife " he said in a demanding tone and I opened my eyes slowly and our eyes locked. His oceanic eyes tell me to drown in it. His eyes hold darkness just like his room. 

" He is attracting me towards him...I need to make distance with him " I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even realize when he took my earlobe between his teeth and bit it gently and I winced. 

" I am obsessed with your waist, don't even dare to hide it from me " he whispered in my ears and a shiver ran down through my spine. I inhaled deeply because of his confession. 

" You don't have any rights on me  " I wanted to yell at him but my voice came out like a whisper.

He looked at me and pulled me closer to him leaving no distance between us. I put my hands on his well built chest to make some distance between us. 

" From the day when I filled your hairline with vermilion, I have all the rights on you" he said, kissing the tip of my nose.

" That's cute " my inner voice said.

" What's cute in this?

" Kissing on the tip of nose... that's cute  "

" But I didn't like him kissing me

" You shouldn't have to lie to your inner voice " 

" You have to follow some rules " he said to me.

" Wh... which rules ? " 

" Rule no one, you will never shutter in front of anyone" he said his lips were just an inch apart from me. If we  moved a little bit then we were ended up kissing. 

" Rule no two  From now on you will wake up every day at 4 am " he said and my eyes widened because I am not an early riser and it's like punishment for me to wake up early in the morning. 

" Rule no three you will never cry in front of anyone except me. " He said and it made me confused. 

" Rule no four Whenever you talk to someone, you will talk by making eye contact and not by bowing down." 

" Rule no five from now on you will feed jack daily" he said.

" Who is jack? " I asked him.

" That dog who attacked you today " he said and my eyes widened in fear. 

" Don't worry I will help you with this " he said and I relaxed a bit. But then something came to mind and I asked him.

" Who names his dog Jack ? " 

" It's my rival name " he said

" Yeh aadmi pura pagal hai " I thought.

( This man is completely mad ) 

" Rule no six you will never cover your waist in front of me" he said with a smirk and my eyes widened listening to him.

" You are shameless " I whispered and he chuckled. This is the first time I saw him smiling. And seeing him smiling unknowingly a smile crept on my face.

" He has a beautiful smile

" If you break the rules then you will be punished " he said, pecking my forehead.

" What kind of punishment? " I asked.

"  A punishment in which pain comes with pleasure" he whispered in my ear . Hearing him I felt something in my stomach. 

" Now let's sleep " he said to me and moved away from me and lay down on the bed. I went towards the bed and took a pillow and about to go towards the couch but stopped listening to his shameless talk.

" We will not fit on that couch " I turned back to face him. He had a playful smile on his face.

" Sleep here " he said, gesturing to me to sleep in bed.  I looked at him then at couch.

" Uss couch per soungi toh jawani mein hi kamar dard shuru ho jayega

( If I sleep on that couch my back will start aching soon )

I lay down beside him, maintaining distance between us. I closed my eyes but soon opened it with a jerk when I felt his hand on my bare waist and his face on my neck. I can feel his hot breath against my neck. 

" Now sleep, my little wife " he said. And a shy smile crept on my face. 

And soon I drown. In my dreamland.


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Anjali Yadav

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Hey, I am 19 years old girl who is trying to support her brother

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