A step

Hridyam pov

" Hridyam Singhaniya please fuck me with your fingers " the moment I heard this words from her mouth I loose my control and strode towards her. Her calling by name made me to lose my sanity.

" Didn't you lose it that day itself when you saw her for the first time at that haldi ceremony? '' My inner self mocked me.

" Maybe " I said internally and shrugged it off.

I bent down to close to her face and was about to say something but stopped hearing her.

" Hridyam Singhaniya just bent down before me " she said with a smirk and closed her legs.

I looked at her with a proud smile and said " so my little queen knows how to play huh? " And she bites her lower lip.

" Why do you call me queen ?" She asked me.

" Because you are a Queen " I said and opened her legs.

" I do not belong to the Royal family" she said with innocence.

" But you married a king " I said and cupped her already wet pussy and she closed her eyes feeling my touch.

" So I am queen just because I married a king " She asked me. I moved closer to her lips and kissed on the corner of her lips and said " you are Queen because you are ruling on this King " and a smile crept on her face.

" But I am not ruling on you, it's you who is ruling " She complaint.

" Ok so rule on me " I said and pinched her clit and a moan left from her mouth.

" How ? " She asked me and I started circling her clit. She tilted her head back in pleasure and rolled her eyes.

" You are Queen so you should know how to rule " I said, gaining my pace.

" Umm...Anhh...like yo...you have some rules for me. You also have to follow some rules '' She said in between her moans.

" What kind of rules do my little monstress have? " I asked her.

" Anhhh....I am close " she said and I fasten my pace.

" What kind of Rule is this ? I teased her and she glared at me.

" I am coming " she said.

" Anhhhhhh " she came with a loud moan and drenched my fingers with her hot juices. I licked my fingers without breaking eye contact with her.

" So what Rules my monstress " I asked her.

" Rule no 1 you will never ever behave rudely with me in future " she said.

" Did I ever behave rudely with you? " I asked her and she shook her head and grabbed my color and pecked my lips and said " No.....but this is in my rule "

" Rule no 2 you will take me on vacations every year " she said and I nodded.

" Rule no 3 dinner dates once in a month" she said.

" Okay "

" Rule no 4 please never leave me " this one came like a request and I embraced her.

" I will never leave you, not even in my dreams " I said and she pecked my chest where she gave me a love bite.

" Rule no 5 you will play games with me " she said with innocence.

" If you want we can still play some games" I said with a smirk.

" What kind of games ? " She asked me, raising her eyebrows.

" You know a game in which I will break your hips" I said with a smirk and she rolled her eyes and said " yeah in which your spinal cord will break"

" Do you wanna test who's gonna break ? " I said, narrowing my eyes.

" Shut up.....and listen Rule no 6 is you will come home early from office" she said and I said okay.

" Or if you break the rules you will get punished " she said, kissing the tip of my nose.

" What kind of punishment? " I asked her.

" That I will tell you later " she said.

" So now we can continue what we were doing? " I asked her with a smirk and a shy smile crept on her face.

I made her lay on the mattress and hovered over her.

Author pov

He made her lay down on the mattress and hovered over her. He pecked on her temple, moved towards her cheeks, jaw and then hid her face on the crook of her neck. He nuzzled his nose there and tilted her head to give him more access. He licked her neck and then took her flesh between her teeth and bite. She winced in pain and started opening his shirt button and completely removed it. He nibbled that area to soothe the pain. Then he trailed down to her cleavage, living wet kisses and she roamed her hands on his bare back.

" Anhh " she moaned when he took her left breast in his mouth and started sucking it like an innocent baby. She looked at him and a shy smile crept on her face because the man who always had a cold , grumpy expression now sucking her breasts like an innocent baby while his other hand was kneading her right breast. Her tongue was circling her erected buds and she arched back in pleasure. He left her breast when he was satisfied and same treatment gave to right one.

After half an hour when he was satisfied he trailed down and placed wet kisses on her stomach. He moved to her lower abdomen and placed a kiss on her pussy and an inaudible moan left from her mouth. He started circling her clit with his tongue.

" umm...Anhh " she moaned when he fasten his pace her jaw dropped and mouth filled with saliva. Her pussy started throbbing and she felt a knot forming inside her stomach.

" I am close " she said. Pleasure reached her mind and she came in his mouth. He licked her hot juices. He moved closer to her face and kissed her. She can also taste her juices.

" Did I just taste myself "

" Do you wanna go further? " He asked her and she nodded. He kissed her cheeks lovingly and said " words my little wife"

" I want to do it " she said because she accepted him completely as her husband. Maybe she didn't love him but definitely loved when he was close to her.

" It's your first time so definitely it's gonna hurt a little bit but tell me when you can't handle the pain " he said lovingly and she nodded. He pecked her lips. He moved away from her and removed his pants along with his boxers. She looked at his naked self and gulped looking at his attractive body. He noticed her ogling. He hovered over her again and said " I am all yours Mrs Ruhani Hridyam Singhaniya"

She smiled and said " I am all yours Mr Hridyam Ruhani Basu "

" Not bad Mrs Singhaniya " he said with a smile and she chuckled.

" I am going to insert it inside " he said and she nodded in nervousness. He held his dick and rubbed it on her entrance and slowly moaned. He slowly entered it inside her.

" Ahhhhh it's painful " she said when he fully entered inside her and a loan tear escaped from her eyes.

" I know it will hurt a little bit " he coed to her and she nodded. He gave her time to settle.

" Now move " she said. He started moving inside her slowly and she moaned in pain but soon pain changed into pleasure.

"Anhhh " she moaned and he gained his speed.

" Are you enjoying it ? " He asked her and she nodded.

" Words my ....Ahhh..... little wife " he groaned in pleasure.

" yes "

He fastened his pace and she moaned" Anhhh... please slow down "

He slowed down but soon she asked him to fasten his pace.

" Anhh I am coming " she said.

" Yes come for your husband" he groaned and she came with a loud moan . He thrusted inside her until he came. He pulled out his dick which was covered with her blood and her hot milk. He placed a deep kiss on her head and asked " will you ever regret it? "

She looked in his eyes and cupped his face and said " never...It was a beautiful night and I spent best hours of my life with you today "

He smiled at her answer and picked her up in his arms and walked inside the room. He made her lay down on the bed and went to the bathroom after cleaning himself , wearing trousers he came out with a bowl and cloth. He opened her legs and cleaned her with that wet cloth.

He made her wear his t-shirt and lay down beside her. He pulled her towards himself with her waist and her back touched his front. He nuzzled his nose into her and said " sleep my little monstress "

" Good night Mr giant monster " she said and he smiled hearing the giant monster.

They both drown in their dreamland.


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Anjali Yadav

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Hey, I am 19 years old girl who is trying to support her brother

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