Crime partners

Ruhani pov

I decided to not to go University today because I am still feeling pain in between my legs. He was so gentle with me last night but I wonder if he go wild with me in future so I don't think so I could move an inch for a month.

Right now me and Udit are sitting on dinning table and I am cutting vegetables and he is helping me.

" Udit, don't you have to go to office today? " I asked him.

" I wish this could happen.....But your jallad husband and my devil brother never give me a break." he complaint like a kid.

" By the way, Bhabhi, aren't you going to the university today? " He asked me.

" No " I said

" Why ?" he asked

" Because I am not feeling like going University today " I said and he nodded.

" Bhabhi, did your jallad husband not said anything? Because He never allowed me to take a day off." He said.

" Agar Aaj kuch bol jaate toh talaak na ho jaata unka subh subh " I said internally.

" No he didn't said anything " I said to him and he looked at me dumbfounded.

" Bhabhi aap to dev manush nikli Aisa kya Kiya aapne ki Mera Bhai kuch nahi bola " he said dramatically.

(Bhabhi, you turned out to be a divine human being. What did you do that my brother did not say anything?)

" Nothing like that " I said.

" By the way Udit, do I look like a monstress? " I asked him seriously.

" No way Bhabhi " he said.

" Then why he calls me a monstress?" I asked him.

" Bhabhi Who dared to called you monstress ? " He asked me.

" Your devil bhai " I said.

" Is my bhai blind who can't that you are a angel not a monstress " he said.

" Hmm " I just hummed.

" Bhabhi he had to pay for this " He said with determination.

" How ? " I asked him and he whispered his plan in my ear.

" Oh wow Udit you are great " I said in excitement and shared highfigh with him.

" I know bhabhi I born great " he said with pride.

" But Udit what if he get anger ? " I asked him.

" Don't worry bhabhi he loves us he can't get angry with us for a long time " he said and I nodded.

" He didn't love me Udit but why this thought hurt me ? " I thought.

Author pov

Hridyam was all ready for office. When he opened the door of his bedroom and walked downstairs.

" Udit go outside I need to talk to my wife in private" he ordered him walking towards them.

" Bhai, if you want to talk in private then do it in your room " he said annoyingly.

" Udit I will not repeat myself " he said dangerously and Udit rolled his eyes and walked outside.

He walked close to her and pulled her towards him with her waist and tucked hair strands behind her ears and asked " Are you still feeling the pain? "

" Hmm "

" Do we need to see doctor? " He asked her being concerned and she shook her head.

" Come home early " she reminded him and he nodded.

" Ok bye " she said.

" But where is my bye kiss ? " He asked raising his eyebrows. She grabbed his collor, pulled him down and smashed her lips on him. And start moving them he also gave in and kissed her with the same intensity. He held her head while his other hand made circles with his thumb.

After 5 minutes she tapped on his shoulder and he left her.

" Bye " he said and walked outside.

Hridyam pov

I settled myself in my car and left for the office. Udit already left in his car. Today I have very important meeting with my Russian clients.

" Sir it seems the tyre is punctured" driver said to me.

"Did you not check the car before leaving ? " I asked him in my cold voice.

" Sir I checked it but that time everything was fine " he said.

" Change it " I ordered him and stepped outside of the car. I opened my screen lock and check CTV footage. I saw my driver was checking everything is fine or not. After 5 minute Udit came and took out a nail from his pants and punctured my car.

" Today you will gonna regret Udit " I said internally.

After 10 minutes when my driver changed the tyre I settled myself in back seat and he drove for Office.


" Bhai I am sorry " Udit pleaded.

" Sorry Udit you know what you did? because of your stupid act we can loose an important deal. " I barked towards him.

" Sorry Bhai "

" Why did you punctured my car ? " I asked him and he steal his glances and it made me suspicious.

" Answer me or else you will work for two days continuously without any break " I said and his eyes widened.

" Bhai mere sundar chehre per dark circles aa jayenge fir aap mujhse jyada handsome lagoge...nahi nahi yeh nahi ho sakta " he said being tensed.

(Brother, there will be dark circles on my beautiful face and then you will look more handsome than me... No no this cannot happen)

" Three days " I said.

" Ruko Bhai batata hu....Aapne meri full jaisi Sundar bhabhi ko monstress bola isliye mene aapki gaadi puncture kar di " he said.

(Wait brother, I will tell you.... You called my beautiful Bhabhi like a flower a monster, that's why I punctured your car)

" Does she tell this idiot about our matters?" I thought being offended.

" Now you can leave " I ordered him and he narrowed his eyes and asked " are you thinking about punishing my bhabhi for telling me ? "

" That's none of your concern my useless Little brother" I said.

" I am not useless Bhai " he said being offended.

" Ok then show me how useful you are " I said with a smirk.

" Aae Bhai aise mat haso mujhe kuch gadbad lag rahi " he said pointing towards me.

( Bhai don't smirk like that I am feeling something fishy )

" John's deal ki file mujhe half an hour mein yhan chaiye" I said.

( I want John's deal file on my table in half an hour)

" Bhai I didn't started work on this deal " he said.

" In twenty five minutes"

" Bhai you are unbelievable" he said and walked outside of my cabin.

I took my phone and dialled to her she  didn't pick. I call her again and this time she picked up.

" Hello " she said from other side.

" Why didn't you pick my call before? " I asked.

" Umm... actually I was in bathroom" she replied.

" What are you doing now? " I asked.

" Nothing just feeding Zorro" she said.

" Is he  done ? " I asked.

" Hmm " she said.

" Go to our bedroom" I ordered her.

" Why ? " She asked.

" You will get punishment my sweetheart for telling my brother our personal things" I said.

" But when I tell him ? " She asked.

" Didn't you told him that I called you monstress"

" That was..." Before she could speak further I ordered her again to go in our bedroom and this time she agreed.

" Hmm bolo mein aa gayi kamre mein" she said.

" Strip "

" Huh ? "

" Strip my little monstress it's your punishment"

" Ok " she said.

I cut the call and video called her and she picked it up.

" I wanna full view " I said and she placed her phone on table from where I can get the full view of bed. She removed her kurti followed by her bra. Then she seductively bent down and removed her pants along with panty.

" Sit on bed and open your legs " I ordered her biting my lower lip. She did as I say.  When her well shaved pussy came on my view I gulped hard.

" Wait for me I am coming" I said in urgency, cut the call and walked outside the office.


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Anjali Yadav

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Hey, I am 19 years old girl who is trying to support her brother

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